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Arabic calligraphy is an age old art form where letters are beautified to bring out the message in the most artistic form . There are various scripts that are famous for Arabic calligraphy, the most famous ones being Nastaliq, Thuluth , Deewani and Kufic.

I use  letters and words from Arabic to add depth to my concepts on sufism & spirituality.

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"The lovers of God never run out of patience, they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full"

Shams Tabrez ~


Dimensions: 40" x 40"

Acrylics & ink on canvas.

(Names of Allah)

Converge – “wherever you go east, west, north or south, think of it as a journey into yourself! 

The one who travels into itself travels the world.” 

Shams Tabrez

40 X 40”
ink and acrylic on canvas

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Allah Hoo’

A traditional Sufi chant, implying Allah as the ultimate truth. ‘Introspection’ they say is the path to the Divine ...the path to salvation.


Dimensions: 120cm x 90cm

Ink & acrylics on canvas.


This painting, it’s calligraphy style and the colours chosen are inspired by the Japanese style of calligraphy, also called SHUJI~

Early Japanese calligraphy originated from the art of Chinese calligraphy & many of its principles and techniques are very similar. Much later the distinctive Japanese writing form evolved and came out as we see it today.

’Story Of the Cave’,

Of Zulkernain, of Moses & Khizer, the Great Wall,

and of those who deny…


Dimensions: 20”x28”

Ink & acrylics on canvas

(Opening verses)

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‘Even After All this time The Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me.

Look what happens with a love like that, It lights the whole sky."

Khwāja Šams ud-Dīn Muhammad Hāfez~


40” x 30”

Ink & acrylics on canvas (framed)

The prayer of a pious man (The man of the whale - Younus / Jonah), from within the depths of the ocean

“There is none worthy of worship besides You; O glorified one. Surely we are from amongst the wrong doers”.


Dimensions: 6ft x 3 ft

Medium: ink & acrylics on canvas

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‘NUR’ - the Light of Lights

"Allah's essence is the original creative Light, always illuminating existence. It constantly manifests the universe and energizes it.

To be illuminated by this process means nothing less than salvation."

Shahab_al Din_Suhrawardi~


Dimensions: 90cm x 120cm

Mix media (24k gold leaf used to complete the composition)

“The heart is the secret inside the secret, where the divine resides; You have visited that house a million times, visit this house but once.” 


70 X 100”
Ink and acrylic on canvas

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M A S O O M A   R I Z V I

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